
For over 25 years, Creascience’s biostatisticians have been collaborating with both young startups and established pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies to train their scientific staff and assist them in setting up, analyzing and interpreting and reporting scientific studies. Building on this experience, we are proud to present a new mentoring program aimed at increasing the autonomy of research teams within biotechnology startups with regard to good statistical and scientific practices.

Scientific research is an essential and critical activity for any startup in the field of life sciences, regardless of its stage of development. What is more, the sustainability of startups in this field depends directly on the quality of this research, whether directly to ensure the validity of the results obtained or to convince potential investors. Finally, the outcome and ultimate success inevitably involve confronting regulatory authorities at one point or another.

All these aspects make the use of good scientific practices and the ability to convince external stakeholders of them essential. In this context, statistical methods – which go well beyond the analysis of experimental data – constitute essential tools, as demonstrated in particular by their omnipresence in the standards of institutions in the health field.

Program Objectives

Direct Knowledge Transfer

Train one or two people in the short term in good statistical practices in experimental research

Long-Term Tooting

Establish standards (SOPs) to generalize the application of good practices to all scientific staff

Bénéfices attendus

Target Audience

Reassuring investors
Respect regulatory constraints

Optimize R&D

Program Implementation

Seminar/Workshop on Good Statistical Practices

Selection of Contact Persons

Determining Program Objectives

Fixing the Program Duration

How the Program Works

Principle of Intervention

For each theme:

  • Initial meeting – presentation of concepts
  • Submission of an analysis grid to transpose the concepts to the reality of the company
  • Resource persons establish a standard proposal
  • Second meeting to discuss the proposal
  • Adjustments if necessary and finalization of the standard

Mentor Involvement

The mentor is an experienced biostatistician. He shares his expertise in two ways:

  • Regular meetings with the company’s resource people either in person or remotely
  • Permanently accessible for specific questions (email, telephone)

In addition, we have planned a certain number of optional blocks/bricks that can be added at any time when the implementation process generates new services.

Basic Program Blocks

The ideal program covers all of the following elements, but depending on the needs, it can also focus on certain aspects :


Test Data Management & Presentation

  • Structure the results of each experiment: adequate formatting, informative dictionary, identification of the nature of each measure
  • Take advantage of descriptive statistics: error detection, anticipation of problems
  • Ensure the overall integrity of the data: continuity of research


Planning Effective & Useful Tests

  • Define the scope of each experiment: target population, number of measurements, primary outcomes, etc.
  • Manage bias and variability: replicates vs. repetitions, operator, batch, day effects, etc.
  • Determine and justify the size of the trials: statistical significance versus practical/biological significance


Preparation & Management of Laboratory Work

  • Write a precise and complete protocol: robustness, transparency and reproducibility
  • Manage the progress of experiments: identify anomalies, react to difficulties encountered
  • Establish a qualitative assessment: transmit and enrich knowledge of the processes


Rigorous Presentation of Results

  • Understand the structure of the experiment and perform a data analysis consistent with it
  • Adequately interpret the results: p-value, power, equivalence, superiority, non-inferiority
  • Write a comprehensive experimental report, a relevant summary, a quality scientific publication

Optional Satellite Blocks

Additional needs often arise during these interventions. In order to meet these needs, we offer several blocks that can be integrated into the program.

Scientific Article Review

Although this would be advantageous in several respects, this mentoring program rarely begins at the same time as the startup’s research activities. Typically, trials are already underway and several have already been completed. In this context, we offer an Adhoc service for reviewing documents presenting the progress of an experiment and/or the analysis of its results. This may be a report intended for external stakeholders (regulatory authority, investors) or an article intended for a scientific journal.

Planning & Interpretation of a Pilot Study

A common obstacle to implementing fully rigorous studies is their cost. In order to study the feasibility of large-scale experiments, identify potential logistical problems and more generally establish the necessary budget, we propose in this block our support to carry out a small-scale study. The results of this study can be used both internally to control costs and to obtain adequate funding for scaling up.

Seminar on the Integration of New standards

The new practices induced by the introduction of standards sometimes represent significant changes, the integration of which may initially be perceived as counterproductive by some members of the research teams. In this context, the intervention of the mentor as an external expert during a seminar involving all the stakeholders concerned allows for mediation and a more general contextualization of the proposed changes.

Quantification of Sources of Variation

The research activities of biotech startups often involve series of experiments involving similar processes: same raw material, operators, types of measurements. A precise knowledge of the variability induced by each of the elements is crucial both for its scientific and economic implications. Indeed, it allows to appropriately choose the optimal experimental structure and to justify decisions that could seem counterintuitive to an external stakeholder. In this block, we offer you the necessary support to plan and analyze a study aimed at quantifying the main sources of variability present in your studies. The analysis includes recommendations on how to conduct future trials with respect to these sources of variability.

Tailored Training

Training has been at the heart of Creascience’s activities since its creation. In fact, it is largely our training activities and the feedback received from participants that led us to develop this mentoring program. Although this program primarily aims to empower startups by transmitting knowledge to a small group of resource people – who can then themselves transmit this knowledge to their colleagues – organizing sessions aimed at a wider audience remains a significant lever for increasing the acceptability of good statistical practices.

Would you like to find out more ?

Contact us to discuss your needs and get more information on mentor availability, costs, etc.