Linear Regression Modelling Techniques

The linear regression is a method used to model the relationship between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables by fitting a linear equation to observed data. Building a regression model with stats packages has become straightforward. However, interpreting the software output and building a good model are no simple tasks. Learn about statistical modeling with a focus on linear models. What is a model? Estimating and interpreting model coefficients. Dealing with continuous and categorical predictors and interactions. Evaluating model performance: explanatory vs. predictive. Common pitfalls and best practices.

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Optimisation Designs

Optimization designs refer to experimental design strategies that are specifically structured to optimize a process, product, or system. The goal of these designs is to identify the combination of factors (inputs) that lead to the best possible outcome (response) according to a defined objective, such as maximizing performance, minimizing cost, or finding the most efficient operating conditions. Learn more about experimental designs when influential factors have been identified and the goal is to optimize their levels. Principle underlying the construction of composite and Box-Behnken design are covered. Principle, model-building, and response surface methodology are reviewed.

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