Good science

We chose our company name, Creascience to emphasize that creativity can mix efficiently with science. In this blog, we share illustrations of how a correct use of statistics leads to drastic improvements of scientific research. Come back often to read our latest findings or simply follow this link to get notified by email (guaranteed 100% ad-free).

  • Ten Simple Rules on How to Write a Standard Operating Procedure – SOP

    “Research publications and data nowadays should be publicly available on the internet and, theoretically, usable for everyone to develop further research, products, or services. The long-term accessibility of research data is, therefore, fundamental in the economy of the research production process. ? However, the availability of data is not sufficient by itself, but also their…

  • One of the Top Most Cited Statistical Papers in History – 2

    Regression Models and Life-Tables. Features Ideas ? The present paper is largely concerned with the extension of the results of Kaplan and Meier to the comparison of life tables and more generally to the incorporation of regression-like arguments into life-table analysis. I had the pleasure of discussing with Sir Cox during a statistical conference about…

  • Statistical Reporting Needs to Convey More Details for Clarity

    Today I would like to focus on the quality of information associated with simple statistical methods commonly used in the biomedical sciences and how they are reported in scientific publications. Emphasis is put on the Student t-test and the analysis of variance commonly referred to as ANOVA. I will not even talk about more complicated…

  • Pseudo vs True Replication

    Replications in Animal Experiments An important point regarding animal studies is the use of “technical repetitions” also referred to as “pseudo replications”, “technical repeats” instead of true biological repetitions. Biological Replicates Technical Replicates Illustration To illustrate this, let us assume that a research group is investigating the effect of a therapeutic drug on blood glucose…

  • Tests for Detecting Non-Normality – Good Practices & Pitfalls

    There are several normality tests: Shapiro-Wilk, Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Anderson-Darling, Liliefors, Jarque-Bera, Anscombe-Glynn, Cramer–von Mises, etc. Pitfalls ♦️ “Non-” Normality tests” vary in the type of departures from normality they can detect and therefore it is not unlikely that they may CONTRADICT each other on the basis of their p-values.♦️ Practically speaking, you may conclude that the…

  • Show the Data, Do not Hide Them – Dynamite Plots Must Die

    Bar graphs are designed for categorical variables; yet they are commonly used to present continuous data in laboratory research, animal studies, and human studies with small sample sizes (Weissberger et al. PLOS Biology). Bar charts are ubiquitous in the life-science literature, yet a study suggests that they are often used in ways that can misrepresent…