A training session specially designed to be offered online.
Reliability studies are a type of research or experimental design focused on assessing and improving the reliability of systems, products, or processes. In these studies, the goal is to determine how consistently and dependably a system or product performs over time and under varying conditions. Reliability refers to the ability of a product, system, or component to function as intended without failure, across its expected lifespan or under specified conditions. In industrial applications, reliability is crucial and testing is expensive. Collected data must be exploited in the best way possible. Reliability data possess specific features that call for dedicated statistical methods. Learn about statistical tools for reliability analysis.
Learn about Principal Component Analysis, a data reduction technique, to identify, quantify & visualise the structure of a set of measurements. PCA provides insightful data visualisation tools. Learn about innovative applications.
During the workshop, emphasis is put on the principles and the conditions of utilization of the method, the results they provide and their interpretation. Plenty of time is devoted to case studies and interpretation of software output.
Learn how to take data (consumers, genes, ...) and organise them into homogeneous groups for use in many applications, such as market analysis and biomedical data analysis, or as a pre-processing step for many data mining tasks. Learn about this very active field of research in statistics and data mining, and discover new techniques. Learn about innovative applications. During the workshop, emphasis is put on the principles and the conditions of utilization of the method, the results they provide and their interpretation. Plenty of time is devoted to case studies and interpretation of software output.